Negin Soukht Pasargad

member code: 1222
Company description: Negin Soukht Pasargad for the first time in the petrol stations industry of the country, has been able to construct and build the petrol stations and welfare services complexes by their creative specialists, with the highest standards and the most modern technologies and the highest quality and the lowest price. Having the production line and assembling the fueling equipment, such as double and four nozzle gasoline pump dispenser, with extensive investment in importing parts and equipment for the petrol stations, have joined hands, until the company can make significant changes in the cost and the execution quality about this important industry of the country, so that all stations built or renovated by this group, in terms of Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company Grading, is classy and privileged, and received the highest commission.

Account type: Supplier and Buyer
profile visit count: 665